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Healthcare Executive AllianceInsights for healthcare leadership

It’s a challenging time in healthcare. But one surprisingly full of opportunities for executives charged with delivering high-quality care in a value-based environment. Welcome to a place where you and your teams can find insights, ideas and solutions for success in today’s rapidly evolving healthcare markets.

Executive Alliance

Consider this example: Every year, $190 billion are spent on excess administrative costs in the U.S. alone.1 Want more insights?
Check out our new white paper about identifying, controlling, and reducing overhead costs in the healthcare sector.

As your inspiring partner we provide and continuously update a collection of best practices in healthcare, not only from our large scope of successfully implemented projects, but also from your peers who are setting new standards for state-of-the-art quality of care and sustainable success.

Siemens Healthineers References

Our customers' best-practice experiences:
Find out how we helped our partners around the world address today’s challenges.

Siemens Healthineers recommends: best practices

Best practices we also recommend:
Check out our selection of best-practice examples implemented by your peers.

Thought Leadership

Here you’ll find perspectives from Siemens Healthineers thought leaders and partners on trends and key healthcare issues. See what our executives are saying about the major challenges and opportunities in the fast‐changing healthcare systems, including consolidation, industrialization, and managing health megatrends.

Bernd Montag - CEO Siemens Healthineers

“As Siemens Healthineers, we are deeply routed in this industry, with a long legacy in engineering excellence and track record in pioneering healthcare. We see many providers reacting in these times of change by increasingly taking the road of consolidation, industrialization, and managing health.” Bernd Montag, CEO Siemens Healthineers.

Arhur Kaindl

By joining Siemens Healthineers technologies with cognitive healthcare offerings, such as IBM Watson Health, our aim is to gather and analyse previously siloed information, such as imaging and lab results with patient demographic details. Speaking to, Dr Arthur Kaindl, Head of Digital Health Services for Siemens Healthineers, describes the contribution of this alliance.

David Pacciti

At the HIMSS 2016 Annual Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas, the medical community is at the forefront of designing a system of new value networks in healthcare that disrupt old business models. Read insights from David Pacitti, Head of Siemens Healthineers North America.

LD Experts

With strong project management and practiced coordination, we have a large team of experts working behind the scenes for our customers. Gain insight from the Lean experts, sales consultants, workload analysts, design engineers, and technical applications and field support specialists who contributed to our more than 1400* total laboratory automation projects.

David Fischer

“Our changing healthcare system requires all of us to change along with it. Just as medical device manufacturers have to adjust to increased scrutiny of value, so do hospitals, physicians and health IT manufacturers need to modify based on the new environment.” explains David Fisher, Head of Global Policy and Government Affairs at Siemens Healthineers North America.

August Calhoun

In an article published in DOTmed Business News, August Calhoun, PhD, Senior Vice President of North America Services, explains how a partnership with Siemens Healthineers focuses on improving patient care and bringing clear, fast and flexible results for the customer.

5 Shifts in Capital Planning

At the Health Forum-American Hospital Association Leadership Summit in San Diego in July 2016, a group of C-suite hospital and health system executives gathered to discuss the changes in capital planning and the impact on their organizations. The discussion was sponsored by Siemens Healthineers.

Joao Seabra

At the Healthcare Business International CEO Forum in London in April 2016, João Seabra, President Siemens Healthcare Western Europe and Western Africa gave a key note speech and revealed the results of our survey of 81 lab and hospital executives in developed and emerging markets.

James William

“In the past decade, the molecular imaging community saw only limited introduction of new radiotracers for PET imaging. Now, however, we look with great anticipation to a new generation of tracers that are increasingly demonstrating value in the assessment of recurrent prostate cancer.” Read more from James Williams, PhD, head of Siemens Healthineers Molecular Imaging.

Richard Frank

In an article co-authored by Richard Frank, MD, PhD, and published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology titled “The Evidence Value Matrix for Diagnostic Imaging”, a proposed two-dimensional matrix allows classification of imaging devices into three distinct categories from which specific strategies for evidence and value generation can be developed.