SIMATIC S7-1500 R/H for redundancy and high availability
Maximum plant availability is essential – how can you achieve this? A redundant and high-availability SIMATIC S7-1500 is the answer. A backup CPU synchronized with the primary CPU ensures that no data is lost. And best of all, synchronization and project consistency are a system function. Thus you don’t need special knowledge to use a SIMATIC S7-1500 R/H CPU: Same engineering in TIA Portal!

Maximum plant availability is essential – how can you achieve this? A redundant and high-availability SIMATIC S7-1500 is the answer. A backup CPU synchronized with the primary CPU ensures that no data is lost. And best of all, synchronization and project consistency are a system function. Thus you don’t need special knowledge to use a SIMATIC S7-1500 R/H CPU: Same engineering in TIA Portal!